6000 Barnard Mill Rd Ringwood, IL 60072 PH: 815-653-5511


Stay up to date with the Village Voice!

Village Voice - November 2017

Dear Neighbors:
It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that Trustee Dan Bushroe passed away suddenly in July after a short illness. During his time on the Village Board Dan worked on numerous Public Works projects throughout the Village. Dan was someone you could always count on to help set up for the annual picnic, put up and take down signs for the annual Garage Sale Days and to help prepare the Village Hall for Santa’s annual visit each year. Dan was always willing to help out his fellow board members responding to downed trees after a storm. Dan was a voice of reason and common sense on the Village Board. He will always be remembered and missed by his fellow board members for years to come.

Village Voice - July 2017

Dear Neighbors:
On Sunday, August 27th, Ringwood will hold its Annual Town Picnic. The Picnic will begin at noon at the Village Hall. Back by popular demand will be the "Moon Walk," a 70 foot Obstacle Course for kids, DJ Entertainment and much more. I am happy to report that Dow will again provide the meat (Pig Roast, hamburgers and hot dogs) and side dishes and the 2017 picnic will be catered by Ringwood’s own Rusty Nail Bar & Grill. The food will be served from 12:30 P.M. till 2:00 P.M., and the raffle drawing will begin at 2:30 P.M.

Village Voice - February 2017

Dear Neighbors:

I wanted to inform you that your Village officials late last year approved a new five year contract with Waste Management (WM) for refuse, recycling and yard waste services. The new contact went into effect on February 1, 2017. I am pleased to inform you that the new contract with WM has lower annual increases and improved options for recycling and yard waste services compared to our previous five year contract with WM. There are deadlines to sign up for recycling carts, so I strongly encourage you to review page 2 of this newsletter as well as go to the Village website at ringwood.il.us to review the contract and all the options available under the new contract.

Village Voice - November 2016

Dear Neighbors:
I am pleased to inform you that the McHenry Township Fire Protection District (MTFPD) will be hosting a dedication ceremony and open house on Saturday, December 3, 2016 for the recently completed MTFPD Station #5. A short dedication ceremony will begin at10:00 am followed by an open house that will continue until 2:00 pm. The entire Ringwood community is invited to attend.

Village Voice - August 2016

Dear Neighbors:
On Sunday, August 28th, Ringwood will hold its Annual Town Picnic. The Picnic will begin at noon at the Village Hall. Back by popular demand will be the "Moon Walk," a 70 foot Obstacle Course for kids, music and much more. Also, new to this year’s picnic will be a car show. If you have an antique automobile that you would like to bring to the picnic to share with the community you can park it along the tree line east of the basketball court. I am happy to report that Dow will again provide the food for the picnic which will include the following: Italian beef, turkey, hot dogs, pasta salad, coleslaw and cookies. The 2016 picnic will be catered by Ringwood’s own Rusty Nail Bar & Grill. The food will be served from 12:30 P.M. till 2:00 P.M., and the raffle drawing will begin at 2:30 P.M.

Village Voice - April 2016

Dear Neighbors:
I am happy to inform you that you will notice two improvements in our community this spring. Thanks to a generous donation from Dow, your Village officials plan to install new decorative street signs and posts at the following intersections in our downtown: Barnard Mill & Ringwood, School & Barnard Mill, Monroe & Ringwood, VanBuren & Barnard Mill and Route 31 & Barnard Mill.

Village Voice - November 2015

Dear Neighbors:
As we prepare to celebrate the holidays and welcome in a new year I would like to take a quick look back at some of the highlights of the past year in Ringwood. In February your Village Officials took the unfortunate but necessary action and acted within our legal right to demolish the 8-unit apartment building located at 5024 Barnard Mill Road. Over the last 8 plus years, the property owner had numerous opportunities to demolish the building. But instead opted to appeal the case to a higher court despite the fact that each time an appeal was heard, the courts ruled consistently in the Village’s favor that the building was unsafe and should be demolished. In short, after 8 years and numerous appeals your Village Officials did not believe they had any other option but to demolish the building.

Village Voice - August 2015

Dear Neighbors: On Sunday, August 23rd, Ringwood will hold irs Annual Town Picnic. 'I'he Picnic will begin at noon at the Village Hall. Back by popular demand will be the "Moon Walk," a 70 foot Obstacle Course for kids and Music by Mobile Mix DJ Entertainment and much more. I am happy to repon that Dow will again provide the food for the picnic which will include the following: Italian beef, turkey, hor dogs, pasta salad, coleslaw and cookies. The 2015 picnic will be catered by Ringwood's own Rusty Nail Bar & Grill. The food will be served from 12:30 P.M. till 2:00 P.M., and the raflle drawing will begin at 2:30 P.M.

Village Voice - May 2015

Dear Neighbors:

In Governor Rauner’s February 18th Budget Address to the Illinois General Assembly the Governor proposed to cut the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) by 50%. LGDF is a state fund into which a portion of state income tax revenue is deposited annually. Cities, village and counties currently receive 8% of total state tax revenue through this fund. A 50% reduction in LGDF would cost the Village of Ringwood $41,382 annually. McHenry County municipalities and county would see a nearly $14 million dollar loss in LGDF revenue (See attached loss of revenue chart on page 2).
