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Book File
Book 3 1998 98-7-1.pdf

Ordinance adding Chapter 4 relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control

Book 3 1998 98-6-2.pdf

Ascertaining prevailing wages in the Village of Ringwood

Book 3 1998 98-6-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year 5/1/98

Book 3 1998 98-5-3.pdf

Ordinance zoning the newly annexed Inman territory to the Village of Ringwood

Book 3 1998 98-5-2.pdf

Ordinance annexing certain territory (Inman) to the Village of Ringwood

Book 3 1998 98-5-1.pdf

Ordinance providing for the approval of an Annexaion agreement (Inman)

Book 3 1998 98-4-1.pdf

Ordinance disconnecting territory (Hogan) from the corporate limits of the village

Book 3 1998 98-2-4.pdf

Amending sections 703.1 and 701.3C of the subdividon ordinance

Book 3 1998 98-2-3.pdf

Adopting Chapter 9 of the Municipal code relating to outdoor lighting

Book 3 1998 98-2-2.pdf

Ordinance adopting Chapter 8 of the Ringwood Municipal Code relating to signs

Book 3 1998 98-2-1.pdf

Ordinance vacating Van Buren Street and Jackson Street

Book 2 1997 97-12-5.pdf

Ordinance amending section 1-002 of the Ringwood Municipal Code

Book 2 1997 97-12-4.pdf

Amending 2010 Land Use Plan map category of newly annexed territory

Book 2 1997 97-12-2.pdf

Ordinance providing for the annexation of certain real estate ("Gaylor")

Book 2 1997 97-12-1.pdf

Ordinance providing for the approval of an annexation agreement

Book 2 1997 97-11-5.pdf

Ordinance for Annual Tax Levy for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/98

Book 2 1997 97-11-4.pdf

Ordinance adopting the Village of Ringwood Official Zoning Map

Book 2 1997 97-11-3.pdf

Ordinance adopting Village of Ringwood zoning ordinance 1997

Book 2 1997 97-11-2.pdf

Rezoning 102 acres located by corner of Barbard Mill & School Road

Book 2 1997 97-11-1.pdf

Ordinance to regulate development in special hazard flood areas

Book 2 1997 97-9-1.pdf

Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 of the Ringwood Municipal Code

Book 2 1997 97-7-2.pdf

Ordinance Ascertaining prevailing wages in the Village of Ringwood

Book 2 1997 97-7-1.pdf

Ordinance amending 97-5-1 to regulate subdivisions in Ringwood

Book 2 1997 97-6-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate puposes for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/98

Book 2 1997 97-3-3.pdf

Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory ("Morton")

Book 2 1997 97-3-2.pdf

Ordinance providing for the annexation of real estate (Morton") to Ringwood

Book 2 1997 97-2-3.pdf

Ordinance zoning the newly annexed territory ("Gaynor") to Ringwood

Book 2 1997 97-1-1.pdf

Ordinance authorizing boundry line agreement with Village of Richmond

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-12-2.pdf

Ordinance providing for the annexation of real estate ("Modine") to Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-12-1.pdf

Ordinance providing for the approval of an annexation agreement ("Modine")

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-7.pdf

Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-6.pdf

Ordinance providing for Annexation of Real Estate ("Sperry") to Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-5.pdf

Ordinance providing for approval of an Annexation Agreement (Sperry)

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-4.pdf

Ordinance providing for general penalty for violations of ordinances

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-3.pdf

Boundry line agreement between villages; Ringwood & Richmond

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-2.pdf

Ordinance adopting an official Map for Village of Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-10-1.pdf

Ordinance adopting Village of Ringwood Illinois 2010 Land Use Pla

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-9-1.pdf

Ordinance amending Section 12-32ID of the Ringwood Municipal Code

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-8-2.pdf

Ordinance authorizing the aquisition of real property for a Public Park

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-7-3.pdf

Ordinance adopting Chapter 5 entitled "Building and Construction" to Ringwood Municipal

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-7-1.pdf

Ordinance adopting Chapter 4 to Ringwood Municipal entitled Retained Personnel

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-6-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year beginning 5/1/96

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-5-1.pdf

Annexation of Real Estate ("Harrison") to the Village of Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-3-2.pdf

Ordinance regulating off-premises highway advertising in Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-3-1.pdf

Ordinance reguarding inoperable motor vehicles in the Village of Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-2-4.pdf

Cable Television Franchise Ordinance for Village of Ringwood Illinois

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-2-3.pdf

An Ordinace adopting Chapter 3 entitled :Buildings and Construction

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-2-2.pdf

Ordinance to regulate motor vehicles and traffic in the Village of Ringwood

Book 1 1995 to 1996 96-2-1.pdf

Ordinance prohibiting loud and repeated barking, whinning & howling by dogs

Book 1 1995 to 1996 95-11-2.pdf

Annual Tax Levy for for Village of Ringwood for fiscal year 5/1/95


Currently the Village of Ringwood is aware that not all ordinances are listed here. The known unlisted ordinances we are currently aware of are listed here: Missing Ordinances We are working on adding all missing ordinances.


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