Book | File | |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-12-5.pdf | |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-10-1.pdf | Ordinanance adopting McHenry County stormwater management ordinance |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-7-1.pdf | Ordinance establishing prevailing wage rates for Village of Ringwood |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-6-1.pdf | Ordinance zoning certain territory known as Preston Woods, granting variation from zoning ordinance |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-5-2.pdf | Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year beginning 5/1/2004 |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-5-1.pdf | Ordinance implementing provisions of the state officials and employee Ethics Act |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-3-1.pdf | Ordinance adopting boundary line between Ringwood and McCullom Lake |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-2-1.pdf | Amending sections: 604.4, 604.5, 604.6, 604.7, 04.8, 606.3, 608.1, 708.1 of subdivision ordinance |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 04-1-1.pdf | Amending sections: 604.4, 604.5, 604.6, 604.7, 04.8, 606.3, 608.1, 708.1 of subdivision ordinance |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-12-1.pdf | Annual tax levy ordinance for Village of Ringwood fiscal year 5/1/2003 |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-6-5.pdf | Ordinance providing for no parking on a portion of Barnard Mill Rd. |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-6-4.pdf | Ordinance pertaining to garbage and trash container enclosures |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-6-1.pdf | Ordinance for zoning map amendment, text amendment, and conditional use permit |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-14.pdf | Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year 5/1/2003 |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-13.pdf | Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory (Van Every) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-12.pdf | Ordinance for annexation of certain real estate (Van Every) to Village of Ringwood |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-11.pdf | Ordinance for Approval of a proposed annexation agreement (Van Every) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-9.pdf | Ordinance providing for approval of proposed annexation agreement (Harris Trust) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-7.pdf | Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory (Elbersen) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-5.pdf | Ordinance providing for the annexation of certain real estate (Elbersen) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-4.pdf | Ordinance providing for approval of a proposed annexation agreement (Elbersen) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-3.pdf | Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory (Letishia) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-2.pdf | Ordinance providing for the annexation of certain real estate (Letishia) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-5-1.pdf | Ordinance providing for the approval of a proposed annexation (Letishia) |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-2-2.pdf | An Ordinance prohibiting nuisances on private property in Ringwood |
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 | 03-1-1.pdf | Ordinance amending section 2-101 of the building and construction code |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 02-2-1.pdf | Ordinance establishing weight limits on Barnard Mill Road (Rt. 31 - Van Buren St.) |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 01-3-1.pdf | Ordianance authorizing boundry line agreement between Ringwood and Johnsburg |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 00-11-1.pdf | Ordinance granting Ackerman variation of zoning ordinance in Village of Ringwood Illinois |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 00-5-1.pdf | Ordinance adopting the McHenry County Historic Preservation ordinance |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 00-2-1.pdf | Ordinance amending retained personnel ordinance of the Ringwood Municipal code |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 00-1-1.pdf | Conditional use permit for installation of communications tower at Nieder Storage |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-11-1.pdf | Annual Tax Levy ordinance for the Village of Ringwood fiscal year 5/1/00 |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-10-1.pdf | Ordinance changing Trevor Trail to Tall Oaks Drive |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-9-2.pdf | Ordinance adding section 2-108.1 to the Village Building Code pertaining to fences |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-8-1.pdf | Ordinance amending section 802.9 of the subdivision ordinance pertaing to village clerk certificate |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-7-1.pdf | Ordinance establishing weight limits on Monroe Street in Village of Ringwood |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-6-1.pdf | Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year 5/1/99 |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-4-1.pdf | Amending section 2-101 of the Village Building and Construction code |
Book 4 1999 to 2002 | 99-2-1.pdf | Ordinance amending section 12-1008 of the motor vehicle and traffic ordinance |
Book 2 1997 | 98-11-4.pdf | Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for the Village of Ringwood fiscal year 5/1/98 |
Book 3 1998 | 98-11-3.pdf | Ordinance adding section 611 to the subdivision ordinance |
Book 3 1998 | 98-11-2.pdf | Ordinance amending sections 604.4 and 604.7 of the subdivison ordinance |
Book 3 1998 | 98-11-1.pdf | Ordinance amending article nine of the subdivision ordinance in Village of Ringwood Illinois |
Book 3 1998 | 98-9-3.pdf | Ordinance amending the subdividion ordinance of the Village of Ringwood |
Book 3 1998 | 98-9-2.pdf | Amendment of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Ringwood |
Book 3 1998 | 98-9-1.pdf | Ordinance accepting contract proposal to purchase surplus Village real estate |
Book 3 1998 | 98-7-4.pdf | Ordinance amending section 901 of the Village Subdividion ordinance |
Book 3 1998 | 98-7-3.pdf | Amending section 604.9, Subdividion ordinance and section 9-106, Outdoor lighting ordinance |
Book 3 1998 | 98-7-2.pdf | Ordinance amending section 604.8 of the Village Subdivision ordinance |