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Book File
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-12-5.pdf
Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-10-1.pdf

Ordinanance adopting McHenry County stormwater management ordinance

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-7-1.pdf

Ordinance establishing prevailing wage rates for Village of Ringwood

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-6-1.pdf

Ordinance zoning certain territory known as Preston Woods, granting variation from zoning ordinance

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-5-2.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year beginning 5/1/2004

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-5-1.pdf

Ordinance implementing provisions of the state officials and employee Ethics Act

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-3-1.pdf

Ordinance adopting boundary line between Ringwood and McCullom Lake

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-2-1.pdf

Amending sections: 604.4, 604.5, 604.6, 604.7, 04.8, 606.3, 608.1, 708.1 of subdivision ordinance

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 04-1-1.pdf

Amending sections: 604.4, 604.5, 604.6, 604.7, 04.8, 606.3, 608.1, 708.1 of subdivision ordinance

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-12-1.pdf

Annual tax levy ordinance for Village of Ringwood fiscal year 5/1/2003

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-6-5.pdf

Ordinance providing for no parking on a portion of Barnard Mill Rd.

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-6-4.pdf

Ordinance pertaining to garbage and trash container enclosures

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-6-1.pdf

Ordinance for zoning map amendment, text amendment, and conditional use permit

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-14.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year 5/1/2003

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-13.pdf

Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory (Van Every)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-12.pdf

Ordinance for annexation of certain real estate (Van Every) to Village of Ringwood

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-11.pdf

Ordinance for Approval of a proposed annexation agreement (Van Every)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-9.pdf

Ordinance providing for approval of proposed annexation agreement (Harris Trust)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-7.pdf

Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory (Elbersen)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-5.pdf

Ordinance providing for the annexation of certain real estate (Elbersen)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-4.pdf

Ordinance providing for approval of a proposed annexation agreement (Elbersen)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-3.pdf

Ordinance establishing zoning district classification of newly annexed territory (Letishia)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-2.pdf

Ordinance providing for the annexation of certain real estate (Letishia)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-5-1.pdf

Ordinance providing for the approval of a proposed annexation (Letishia)

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-2-2.pdf

An Ordinance prohibiting nuisances on private property in Ringwood

Book 5: 2003 to 2004 03-1-1.pdf

Ordinance amending section 2-101 of the building and construction code

Book 4 1999 to 2002 02-2-1.pdf

Ordinance establishing weight limits on Barnard Mill Road (Rt. 31 - Van Buren St.)

Book 4 1999 to 2002 01-3-1.pdf

Ordianance authorizing boundry line agreement between Ringwood and Johnsburg

Book 4 1999 to 2002 00-11-1.pdf

Ordinance granting Ackerman variation of zoning ordinance in Village of Ringwood Illinois

Book 4 1999 to 2002 00-5-1.pdf

Ordinance adopting the McHenry County Historic Preservation ordinance

Book 4 1999 to 2002 00-2-1.pdf

Ordinance amending retained personnel ordinance of the Ringwood Municipal code

Book 4 1999 to 2002 00-1-1.pdf

Conditional use permit for installation of communications tower at Nieder Storage

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-11-1.pdf

Annual Tax Levy ordinance for the Village of Ringwood fiscal year 5/1/00

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-10-1.pdf

Ordinance changing Trevor Trail to Tall Oaks Drive

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-9-2.pdf

Ordinance adding section 2-108.1 to the Village Building Code pertaining to fences

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-8-1.pdf

Ordinance amending section 802.9 of the subdivision ordinance pertaing to village clerk certificate

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-7-1.pdf

Ordinance establishing weight limits on Monroe Street in Village of Ringwood

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-6-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year 5/1/99

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-4-1.pdf

Amending section 2-101 of the Village Building and Construction code

Book 4 1999 to 2002 99-2-1.pdf

Ordinance amending section 12-1008 of the motor vehicle and traffic ordinance

Book 2 1997 98-11-4.pdf

Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for the Village of Ringwood fiscal year 5/1/98

Book 3 1998 98-11-3.pdf

Ordinance adding section 611 to the subdivision ordinance

Book 3 1998 98-11-2.pdf

Ordinance amending sections 604.4 and 604.7 of the subdivison ordinance

Book 3 1998 98-11-1.pdf

Ordinance amending article nine of the subdivision ordinance in Village of Ringwood Illinois

Book 3 1998 98-9-3.pdf

Ordinance amending the subdividion ordinance of the Village of Ringwood

Book 3 1998 98-9-2.pdf

Amendment of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Ringwood

Book 3 1998 98-9-1.pdf

Ordinance accepting contract proposal to purchase surplus Village real estate

Book 3 1998 98-7-4.pdf

Ordinance amending section 901 of the Village Subdividion ordinance

Book 3 1998 98-7-3.pdf

Amending section 604.9, Subdividion ordinance and section 9-106, Outdoor lighting ordinance

Book 3 1998 98-7-2.pdf

Ordinance amending section 604.8 of the Village Subdivision ordinance


Currently the Village of Ringwood is aware that not all ordinances are listed here. The known unlisted ordinances we are currently aware of are listed here: Missing Ordinances We are working on adding all missing ordinances.


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