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Book File
Book 10 2018 to 2019 18-11-2.pdf

An ordinance granting a variance to the setback requirements in zoning ordinance

Book 10 2018 to 2019 18-11-1.pdf

The Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2018 and Ending April 30, 2019

Book 10 2018 to 2019 18-10-1.pdf

Ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms

Book 10 2018 to 2019 18-08-1.pdf

An Ordinance Allowing Raffles

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-12-19.pdf

Amending Section 406 of the Zoning Ordinance of Village of Ringwood

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-11-1.pdf

Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-9-1.pdf

Amends Article IX of the Village Subdivison Ordinance

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-7-1.pdf

Amending Building Code pertaining to fences

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-6-1.pdf

Ordinance Prohibiting Nuisances

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-4-2.pdf

Amending Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year 5/1/16, ending 4/30/17

Book 9 2015 to 2017 17-4-1.pdf

Appropriations Ordinance beginning fiscal year 5/1/17, endiing 4/30/18

Book 9 2015 to 2017 16-11-2.pdf

Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for fiscal year 5/1/7, ending 4/30/18

Book 9 2015 to 2017 16-11-1.pdf

Ordinance granting conditional use permit for Everett Kennels

Book 9 2015 to 2017 16-6-2.pdf

Ordinance for McHenry Co. Stormwater Management

Book 9 2015 to 2017 16-6-1.pdf

Ordinance Ascertaining Prevailing Wage

Book 9 2015 to 2017 16-5-1.pdf

Appropriations Ordinance for 5/1/16, ending 4/30/17

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-10-1.pdf

Ordinance Adopting McHenry Co. Stormwater Mgt. Ordinance

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-6-2.pdf

Ordinance Ascertaining Prevailing Wages in the Village of Ringwood

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-6-1.pdf

Amending Ordinance for Cable and Video Service Provider

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-5-1.pdf

Appropriations Ordinance for 5/1/15, ending 4/30/16

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-4-2.pdf

Amending Shed Size

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-4-3.pdf

Amending Comphrehensive Plan to include downtown plan

Book 9 2015 to 2017 15-4-1.pdf

Conditional Use Permit for senior group home/shared housing

Book 8 2011 to 2014 14-11-1.pdf

Annual Tax Levy for fiscal year 5/1/14, ending 4/30/15

Book 8 2011 to 2014 14-10-1.pdf

Ordinance ascertaining prevailing wages in the Village of Ringwood

Book 8 2011 to 2014 14-6-1.pdf

Ordinance releasing standby Letter of Credit, and acceptance of subdivision bond for Glacier Trails of Ringwood

Book 8 2011 to 2014 14-5-1.pdf

Appropriations Ordinance for 5/1/14, ending 4/30/15

Book 8 2011 to 2014 14-2-1.pdf

Ordinance providing for voluntary settlement of ordinance violations

Book 8 2011 to 2014 13-11-1.pdf

Annual tax Levy ordinance for Village of Ringwood for fiscal year beginning 5/1/12

Book 8 2011 to 2014 13-5-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year beginning 5/1/13

Book 8 2011 to 2014 12-11-1.pdf

Annual tax levy ordinance for Ringwood for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/12

Book 8 2011 to 2014 12-10-1.pdf

An Ordinance providing for the licensing of video gaming terminals

Book 8 2011 to 2014 12-6-1.pdf

Amending ordinance no. 2012-5-1 Garbage and dumpster enclosures

Book 8 2011 to 2014 12-5-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year beginning 5/1/12

Book 8 2011 to 2014 12-3-1.pdf

Garbage and Trash Enclosures

Book 8 2011 to 2014 11-11-2.pdf

Annual Tax Levy

Book 8 2011 to 2014 11-11-1.pdf

Electrical Supply

Book 8 2011 to 2014 11-5-1.pdf

Appropriations Ordinance for 5/1/11, ending 4/30/12

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 10-12-1.pdf

Ordinance amending section 2-108.1 to the building code pertaining to fences

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 10-11-1.pdf

Annual tax levy ordinance for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/2010

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 10-7-1.pdf

An Ordinance Ascertaining Prevailing Wages

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 10-5-1.pdf

Appropriations for corporate purposes for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/10

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 10-2-1.pdf

Amending section 608.1 of the subdivision control ordinance relating to landscaping

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 10-1-1.pdf

Ordinance amending section 12-508, towing cars away, of the Village of Ringwood

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 09-11-1.pdf

Annual tax Levy ordinance for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/2009

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 09-5-1.pdf

Ordinance making appropriations for corporate purposes for fiscal year beginning 5/1/2009

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 09-3-2.pdf

Ordinance providing for the annexation of certain described real estate (IDOT)

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 09-3-1.pdf

Ordinance providing for the approval of an annexation between Ringwood and IDOT

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 08-11-1.pdf

Annual Tax Levy ordinance for the fiscal year beginning 5/1/2008

Book 7: 2008 to 2010 08-10-2.pdf

Ordinance prohibiting Above Ground Pools in Village of Ringwood Illinois


Currently the Village of Ringwood is aware that not all ordinances are listed here. The known unlisted ordinances we are currently aware of are listed here: Missing Ordinances We are working on adding all missing ordinances.


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